Monday, October 17, 2011

Favorite 5 Zelda Games by list? Hmmm...

Gallifreyan up here on this blog again and my friend requested me to post my opinion on all Zelda games and favorite game by the list. Well, I'd go for both! So here it is!

I determine how much I like it by score. The highest score is 100.

1. The Wind Waker 99.5/100 (Like)
 I loved this game because of its plot and gameplay. The story was an amazing sequel from the Ocarina of Time and I utterly loved it. The music and everything was great! Link was cool and I loved Tetra's feisty attitude. Those who say the graphics suck, just go away... your kind of people disgust me....

2. The Ocarina of Time (includes 3d version and master quest) 99/100 (Like)
   Almost all the same reasons on the wind waker. The only reason it's second was.... Navi??? It and the wind waker are both first place for me but I'd rather a second place be there.

3. The Skyward Sword 95/100
  This game hasn't been released yet and I love it. I have currently seen the Ancient Cistern and Lake Floria. Utterly amazing but people keep saying the Twilight Princess is better but I cannot agree. I'll tell you why in my rather long, Twilight Princess opinion. For those who say the graphics suck, you can FUCK OFF! I bet that has better graphics than your skin!!!!

4. A Link to The Past 90/100 (Like) 
I only loved this game for its plot and gameplay. This made me like it so much that I didn't care about it's graphics no longer and the musical style was nice. 

5. The Twilight Princess 87/100 (Like)
This is the rather long Twilight Princess opinion. There are many reasons why I like and dislike this but the likes outweigh the dislikes which is why it is all the way up here in the first place. I loved the music but I think the Skyward Sword can do better. But the Twilight Princess' Hyrule Field music will rule forever!!!! A dislike... hmmm... The Darkness of the game. I think the brightness of the game was really bad and if like, it's summer and the sun is blaring onto your TV and you're in the water and you're like in the areas covered in twilight, it's so effin hard to see!!!! I can't see a thing. It could have been surpassed by 3 games which are under this if it weren't for the great music and gameplay. I personally didn't like the plot of "twilight"  covering the areas of Hyrule. I think the word twilight is used too much already. And, I loved Midna and the ending had a great twist to it!  The music was great and I loved the new Hyrule Field and the way you played it was great. I think the skyward sword is better than this because the story, and the use of the wii-motionplus makes it a lot better. That is the end of my Twilight princess opinion.

If you're wondering what is next on my list, it is the Majora's mask so thank you!!!

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